Multiple Sessions

CodeceptJS allows to run several browser sessions inside a test. This can be useful for testing communication between users inside a system, for instance in chats. To open another browser use session() function as shown in example:

Scenario('test app', (I) => {
  I.fillField('name', 'davert');'Sign In');
  I.see('Hello, davert');
  session('john', () => {
    // another session started
    I.fillField('name', 'john');'Sign In');
    I.see('Hello, john');
  // switching back to default session
  I.fillField('message', 'Hi, john');
  // there is a message from current user
  I.see('me: Hi, john', '.messages');
  session('john', () => {
    // let's check if john received it
    I.see('davert: Hi, john', '.messages');

session function expects a first parameter to be a name of a session. You can switch back to session by using the same name.

You can override config for session by passing second parameter:

session('john', { browser: 'firefox' } , () => {
  // run this steps in firefox

or just start session without switching to it. Call session passing only its name:

Scenario('test', (I) => {
  // opens 3 additional browsers


  // switch to session by its name
  session('mary', () => {

session can return value which can be used in scenario:

// inside async function
const val = await session('john', () => {
  return I.grabTextFrom({ css: 'h1' });
I.fillField('Description', val);

Function passed into session can use I, page objects, and any objects declared for the scenario. This function can also be declared as async (but doesn't work as generator).

Also, you can use within inside a session but you can't call session from inside within.