Protractor Quickstart


Protractor is an official tool for testing AngularJS applications. CodeceptJS should not be considered as alternative to Protractor but a testing framework utilizing this powerful library.

There is no magic in testing of AngularJS application in CodeceptJS. You just execute regular Protractor commands, packed in a simple high-level API.

Setting up CodeceptJS with Protractor

To start using CodeceptJS you will need to install it via NPM and initialize it in directory with tests.

[sudo] npm install -g codeceptjs
npm install --save-dev protractor

Protractor uses webdriver to talk to the browser, so you need to install Selenium as well.

[sudo] npm install -g selenium-standalone
selenium-standalone install
selenium-standalone start

Define Test Project

codeceptjs init

  Welcome to CodeceptJS initialization tool
  It will prepare and configure a test environment for you

? Where are your tests located? ./*_test.js

? What helpers do you want to use?
 ◯ WebDriver
❯◉ Protractor
 ◯ Puppeteer
 ◯ Appium
 ◯ Nightmare
 ◯ FileSystem

? What helpers do you want to use? Protractor
Configure helpers...
? [Protractor] Base url of site to be tested http://localhost
? [Protractor] Protractor driver (local, direct, session, hosted, sauce, browserstack) hosted
? [Protractor] Browser in which testing will be performed chrome
? [Protractor] Root element of AngularJS application body

You will be asked questions about initial configuration, make sure you select Protractor helper. If you didn't have Protractor library it will be installed.

Please use as a url for Protractor helper.

The following config is created in codecept.json file:

  "tests": "./*_test.js",
  "output": "./output",
  "helpers": {
    "Protractor": {
      "url": "",
      "driver": "hosted",
      "browser": "chrome",
      "rootElement": "body"
  "include": {
    "I": "./steps_file.js"
  "name": "todoangular"

First test can be generated with gt (Generate Test) command:

codeceptjs gt

After that you can start writing your first CodeceptJS/Angular tests. Please look into the reference of Protractor helper for all available actions. You can also run list command to see methods of I:

codeceptjs list

Writing First Test

At first a page should be opened to proceed, we use amOnPage command for that. As we already specified full URL to TodoMVC app, we can pass relative path into it instead of absolute url:

In CodeceptJS assertion commands have see or dontSee prefix:

Feature('Todo MVC');

Scenario('create todo item', (I) => {

Run the test

A test can be executed with run command, we recommend to use --steps options to follow step-by-step execution:

$ codeceptjs run --steps

CodeceptJS 1.2.0
Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub

TodoMvc --
 create todo item
 • I am on page "/"
 • I dont see element "#todo-count"

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