Nightmare Quickstart

NightmareJS is a modern Electron based testing framework which allows to execute tests in headless mode as well as in window mode for debug purposes. Nightmare is in active development and has nice API for writing acceptance tests. Unfortunately, as all other JavaScript testing frameworks it has its own very custom API. What if you choose it for a project and suddenly you realize that you need something more powerful, like Selenium? Yes, that might be a problem if you are not using CodeceptJS. The one idea behind CodeceptJS is to unify different testing backends under one API, so you could easily write tests the same way no matter what engines you use: webdriverio, Protractor, or Nightmare.

Install Codecept and Nightmare

To start you need CodeceptJS and Nightmare installed.

npm install -g codeceptjs nightmare

Setup a test

And a basic Codecept test project initialized

codeceptjs init

You will be asked for a Helper to use, you should select Nightmare and provide the url of a website you are testing. We will test

Answer the questions. Agree on defaults, when asked to select helpers choose Nightmare.

? What helpers do you want to use?
 ◯ WebDriver
 ◯ Protractor
 ◯ Puppeteer
 ◯ Appium
❯◉ Nightmare
 ◯ FileSystem

Create First Test. The gt command Generates a Test file for us. and adds it to the Codecept configuration file.

./node_modules/.bin/codeceptjs gt

Enter a test name. Open a generated file in your favorite JavaScript editor.

Feature('My First Test');

Scenario('test something', (I) => {


Write a simple scenario

Feature('My First Test');

Scenario('test something', (I) => {

Run the test

./node_modules/.bin/codeceptjs run --steps

The output should be similar to this:

My First Test --
  test something
   • I am on page ""
   • I see "GitHub"
 ✓ OK

Configuring Nightmare

Enable Nightmare helper in codecept.json config:

{ // ..
  "helpers": {
    "Nightmare": {
      "url": "http://localhost",
      "show": false,
      "restart": false
  // ..

Turn on the show option if you want to follow test progress in a window. This is very useful for debugging. All other options can be taken from NightmareJS API.

Turn off the restart option if you want to run your suite in a single browser instance.

Option waitForAction defines how long to wait after a click, doubleClick or pressKey action is performed. Test execution may happen much faster than the response is rendered, so make sure you set a proper delay value. By default CodeceptJS waits for 500ms.