
CodeceptJS configuration is set in codecept.conf.js file.

After running codeceptjs init it should be saved in test root.

Here is an overview of available options with their defaults:


Requires described module before run. This option is useful for assertion libraries, so you may --require should instead of manually invoking require('should') within each test file. It can be used with relative paths, e.g. "require": ["/lib/somemodule"], and installed packages.

You can register ts-node, so you can use Typescript in tests with ts-node package

exports.config = {
  tests: './*_test.js',
  timeout: 10000,
  output: '',
  helpers: {},
  include: {},
  bootstrap: false,
  mocha: {},
  // require modules
  require: ["ts-node/register", "should"]

Dynamic Configuration

By default codecept.json is used for configuration. You can override its values in runtime by using --override or -o option in command line, passing valid JSON as a value:

codeceptjs run -o '{ "helpers": {"WebDriver": {"browser": "firefox"}}}'

You can also switch to JS configuration format for more dynamic options. Create codecept.conf.js file and make it export config property.

See the config example:

exports.config = {
  helpers: {
    WebDriver: {
      // load variables from the environment and provide defaults
      url: process.env.CODECEPT_URL || 'http://localhost:3000',

      user: process.env.CLOUDSERVICE_USER,
      key: process.env.CLOUDSERVICE_KEY,

      coloredLogs: true,
      waitForTimeout: 10000

  // don't build monolithic configs
  mocha: require('./mocha.conf.js') || {},
  include: {
    I: './src/steps_file.js',
    loginPage: './src/pages/login_page',
    dashboardPage: new DashboardPage()

  // here goes config as it was in codecept.json
  // ....

(Don't copy-paste this config, it's just demo)

If you prefer to store your configuration files in a different location, or with a different name, you can do that with --config or `-c:

codeceptjs run --config=./path/to/my/config.json


Using values from process.profile you can change the config dynamically. It provides value of --profile option passed to runner. Use its value to change config value on the fly.

For instance, with the config above we can change browser value using profile option

codeceptjs run --profile firefox
exports.config = {
  helpers: {
    WebDriver: {
      url: 'http://localhost:3000',
      // load value from `profile`
      browser: process.profile || 'firefox'
